
candida friendly

Gluten free vegan bread recipe.

Gluten Free Vegan Bread Recipe

This gluten free vegan bread is my new favorite bread. It’s made with buckwheat, millet and oats, and is basically a flourless, yeast free, gum free

Candida diet pantry list plus recipes.

Candida Diet Pantry List Plus Recipes

If you’ve been told you have to do a candida diet, then I have you covered with a starter pantry list, as well as some recipes to get you started on your healing journey.

Vegan mexican quinoa bowl.

Vegan Mexican Quinoa Bowl

These vegan Mexican quinoa bowls have become a weekly staple in our house. They’re naturally vegan, but are full of flavor from the avocado tahini, and spicy chipotle tahini sauce. These bowls are jam packed with plant protein, as quinoa is a complete protein, and beans when paired with the quinoa, make a complete protein too. This bowl is balanced and satisfying from the slow burning carbs, healthy fats, plant protein, and will honestly sustain you for hours. 

Make ahead Ayurvedic spiced warm quinoa cereal.

Make Ahead Ayurvedic Spiced Warm Quinoa Cereal

I’m a warm porridge breakfast gal, even in the summer. I like to warm and nourish my insides first thing in the morning. With that being said, I don’t want to “cook” anything from scratch in the morning, so if I can make something ahead and heat it up, then I’m a happy camper.

It dawned on me one morning as I was adding almond milk and spices to my leftover quinoa, that I could save myself 5 minutes, but making the golden milk ahead of time!  This was an “a ha” moment for me and a hack I wanted to share those of you what want a warm breakfast too, but want something in under 5 minutes. 

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