
Candida Friendly

Easy baked brown rice

Easy Oven Baked Brown Rice

First off I want you to know that my kids are totally obsessed with this rice, like licking their plates clean obsessed. It’s 6:00 am on Friday and I’m baking them a fresh batch for their lunches and pairing it with some leftover chicken thighs and mushrooms.

Arugula salad with simple lemon vinaigrette

Arugula Salad with Simple Lemon Vinaigrette

Hey, let’s admit it, we all need to get more veggies and greens into our diet and the easiest way I know how is to make up a salad. This the perfect weeknight, busy night, or any night salad. The vinaigrette consists of 4 simple pantry ingredients; lemon, extra-virgin olive oil, salt and pepper, and takes under 2 minutes to whip up. Trust me, this vinaigrette beats the pants off of any store-bought variety! Also, making your own vinaigrette is way less expensive than the store-bought variety, is fresher and the best part is that you know exactly what goes into it.

Homemade vanilla almond milk

Homemade Vanilla Almond Milk

Almond milk is one of the easiest raw food products to make at home. I know most of you are scratching your head thinking, who wants to go though the process and hassle of making homemade almond milk when I can just buy a carton inexpensively it at the store. I totally get it, but I’ve listed a few benefits of making your own almond milk below, just incase you’re interested.

Heirloom tomato gazpacho

Heirloom Tomato Gazpacho

It’s summer, and what soup says summer better than gazpacho, right? Gazpacho is seriously the perfect summer soup for many reasons. First off, it’s a cold soup, so it’s the perfect soup to sip on a hot summer day or night. Secondly, it doesn’t require you to heat up a stove or oven, which is bonus when it’s 90 plus degrees out. I call it the lazy mans soup because when your tired and famished all you have to do is pull out a batch from the fridge, pour it in a bowl and eat away. It’s also a great weekday soup because it takes under 30 minutes to make, just chop up the fresh ingredients and toss them in a blender! Make a batch in the morning while the kids are eating breakfast, or before you rush off to work, and when you come home all tired from a long day, you dinner will be ready! How nice does that sound?

Easy overnight hot quinoa and steel cut oats in a bowl next to coffee

Easy Overnight Hot Quinoa and Steel Cut Oats

Yes, I’m a bit obsessed with breakfast! It’s my absolute favorite meal of the day! I love starting out the day with an easy, tasty, hot and healthy power-filled breakfast, and this cereal fits the bill. It’s a blend of quinoa and steel-cut oats, (which in my eyes and tummy is pure perfection) that can be made the night before, (in under 6 minutes) which is even better. All you have to do come morning is turn on the stove and re-heat the cereal, easy peasy.

Kale spinach and basil pesto in a food processor

Kale, Spinach and Basil Pesto

Oh my gosh, this kale, spinach and basil pesto is SO tasty, fresh and chunky that it’s seriously bowl licking and spoon licking good (yep, Zoe and I licked our bowls clean)! I’ve made this pesto up twice already and Zoe and I couldn’t keep our spoons out of the jar. We kept opening the jar taking a spoonful, closing the jar and then sneaking back for another spoonful, you get the picture…  We were totally digging this pesto.

Toasted overnight steel cut oats

Toasted Overnight Steel Cut Oats

I love steel cut oats. I love their chewy texture and creamy consistency. They’re the perfect comfort food on a cold morning, and ever since I figured out the lazy overnight way to make them, I eat them at least 2 times a week, if not more. Goodbye instant oats, say hello to rich and chewy steel cut oats! My favorite go-to toppings are peanut butter and fresh fruit! YUM!

Easy oven baked sweet potatoes on white plate with a side of ketchup

Easy Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries

These fries are SO GOOD, SUPER ADDICTIVE and honestly as easy to make up as the frozen variety (and cheaper too). I’m serious! They’re browned, caramelized and slightly crispy on the outside, and soft, sweet and tender on the inside. Yum, Yum! I will admit that these fries are not going to be crispy, like fries that have been fried, they tend to be softer like steak fries.

Roasted cauliflower

5-Minute Roasted Cauliflower

This 5-minute roasting technique has really saved me time and hassle in the kitchen on those busy weeknights where I want to serve up a vegetable, but don’t have tons of time to heat up the oven and roast veggies for 15 to 20 minutes. I’m a full-time working mama now, as you all know, and it’s all about efficiency in Marin mama’s kitchen these days.

Easy roasted Brussels sprouts in a white bowl

Easy Roasted Brussels Sprouts

You know those crispy Brussels that you get at a restaurant that you wish you could make at home? Well, now you can make them at home, and they’re healthy to boot and take under 30 minutes to roast up to perfection. If you have Brussels haters in your house, then give this method a try and I bet you they will be converted to Brussels lovers!

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